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Art has been one of the many forms of expression that I have improved and gained self-confidence in. I have linked a page that has bits and pieces of my hobby. I have only recently revived my passion for art, as I had been unmotivated and took a two year break.

The figure above is a sketch that I drew. I like to draw sometimes and be free with whatever media I am using.

Salutations! I am Sylvia Jarvis, and welcome to my ePortfolio. As a graduating senior at Union County Early College (UCEC) and a student of South Piedmont Community College (SPCC), I have been able to meet great people and amazing professors throughout my academic career. I am grateful to have met them, for they have helped me grow and improve my self-confidence.


Throughout this site, you will find a little bit about who I have become, and what I have learned on my journey towards self-confidence.

"The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."

~ Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand is an inspirational philosopher that is still selling books 30 years after she passed away. Similar to her, I would like to have a lasting impact; however, that starts with the self. Self-confidence is important to preserve one's individuality and pursuit of happiness. There have been many instances where I have let others control my fate, but this quote reminded me that I am the captain of my ship and I should be the one determining how far I'll go.

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